I can’t believe I even wrote such a sappy title. Me, the tell-it-like-it-is gal, who never exaggerates. But let me describe a bit of a very recent day. As I was walking down to school, on an absolutely perfect morning, a young boy (7), whom we will… Read more ›
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This was published in our Janury 1998 Journal; a note from Jean and Rick Leif about what their daughter is up to now has been added.
Quite a lot has been written about what it is like to be a student at Sudbury Valley School, but I would like to… Read more ›
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This article is reprinted from The Field, the newsletter of Fairfield School.
There is a debate among educators regarding the best way to teach reading and writing. In one camp are the whole language proponents. They believe that reading and writing… Read more ›
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Sudbury Valley has just begun the 2017-2018 school year – and an exciting one it is! This will be our 50th year of operation, the half century mark for what was once a “far-out” experiment. Born in the tumultuous 1960s, SVS was destined to outlive… Read more ›
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The month of December always feels rushed, but in a good way. Students are more amped than usual. They are excited for Christmas, parties, and especially making gingerbread houses.
Mimsy organizes a few days to make gingerbread houses before the… Read more ›
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For many years now a Halloween dance has taken place in the barn. Wearing a costume is optional but most people come wearing something funky, beautiful or amusing. The dances are totally organized by students, while staff serve as chaperones who are… Read more ›
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An Introduction, by Hanna Greenberg
“In Israel, where I come from, there are two “Sudbury” schools, and both are thriving. One is in the heart of the city of Jerusalem, and the other, Kanaf (which means “wings”) is in the Golan Heights,… Read more ›
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A Fall Apple Picking Excursion
Hanna Greenberg
New England has the perfect climate for growing apples. There are several orchards in the school’s vicinity where people can pick their own fruit. You pay an entrance fee, get a bag and you… Read more ›
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Children are born with one overriding drive. They seek to grow up and to gain mastery over their own lives.
Any child who grows up in a wider culture that values freedom is naturally jealous of what s/he feels to be her/his right to pursue happiness… Read more ›
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It’s funny how things happen at SVS. Conversation is always a huge part of how students and staff members spend their time. People of all ages are talking about interests, hobbies, and ideas. It flows without interruption. During one of these… Read more ›
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The school year has started with a bang! Students and staff are excited for activities and work to begin. The amount of fundraisers we recently had is a good indication of it!
Now that it is the beginning of October, all of the corporations for the… Read more ›
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I love chocolate and eat a piece after lunch and dinner. Pretty much religiously. In the beginning of the year, I used to pack a few pieces to last me the week. Well, Dillon, Elise and Sophie quickly realized I did. They are so charming and cute I… Read more ›
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It was one of those days that everyone was having so much fun, no one remembered to take many pictures. The day was wonderful from the very beginning to the very last second. A day in which the dilemma that was encountered was where to eat dinner.… Read more ›
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As a new staff member, working at this school has been a wonderful learning experience. It has allowed me to notice certain patterns and common occurrences within the school community. Witnessing them first hand is nothing short of spectacular.
My… Read more ›
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Sudbury Valley is an incredible place. Literally so, in that many people just don’t believe that any school could be so pleasant and well-functioning. At least not until they have seen us in action.
The aspect of our culture that surprises and… Read more ›