
Field trips

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A couple of months ago, one of my good friends told me of an interactive exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art. William Forsythe, a ballet choreographer, created rooms where a person’s own body movements were the subject.   I immediately… Read more ›
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The last days of the fiftieth birthday year of Sudbury Valley were days of fun, of laughter, and also of tears. The fun part was greeting the 35 students returning from a five day camping trip to Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod. Despite having to… Read more ›
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Every year, a large group of kids from Sudbury Valley decamp (literally) on the next to last week of school to Nickerson State Park, in Brewster, on Cape Cod. While writing this I was waiting (as was everyone else who didn’t go) for them to… Read more ›
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It’s already the first week of July and it is only now that I finally am rested enough to have a modicum of perspective about the hectic crazy busy last month of school. The annual five day camping trip to Nickerson State Park on Cape Cod requires a… Read more ›
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I myself am tired of my stories about SVS trips in general and of skiing trips in particular. But I just can’t help it! The truth probably is that what I see happening on trips happens all the time at school, but it happens so privately that I… Read more ›
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A Fall Apple Picking Excursion Hanna Greenberg New England has the perfect climate for growing apples. There are several orchards in the school’s vicinity where people can pick their own fruit. You pay an entrance fee, get a bag and you… Read more ›
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It was one of those days that everyone was having so much fun, no one remembered to take many pictures. The day was wonderful from the very beginning to the very last second. A day in which the dilemma that was encountered was where to eat dinner.… Read more ›
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Sometimes what you wish for has consequences that you wished would not bother you. A case in point is the way SVS students who enrolled when they were very young tend to grow up to be persistent -- and capable of getting what they want. So, quite… Read more ›
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I never thought that skiing would test my commitment to the Sudbury Model. But, it did. Every winter, the school offers two ski programs. Students who are eight or older can sign up to go to Wachusett Mountain once a week for six weeks. Every… Read more ›
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Downhill skiing and snowboarding is a favorite activity in which about a third of the school’s population participates. As a consequence, ice skating has to wait until March. I love skiing and am not fond of skating. I hate the cold that seeps into… Read more ›