
Fine art

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This week's post was originally published as an essay in the Sudbury Valley School Journal (November, 2007) I.  There are three activities everybody does regardless of culture: make music, decorate things, and talk. Talking, making music… Read more ›
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Hanging the photo exhibit on Friday, January 24th proved to be an exhilarating experience for me. It goes without saying that the photos are varied in their subjects, beautiful and interesting. What else would one expect from kids at SVS? They are… Read more ›
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Jean Cote spends her days fielding incoming calls, preparing PR materials, providing an oasis of calm amidst the general hubbub of the school, and writing blog posts! If you haven’t checked out the School’s online bookstore lately, you may be… Read more ›
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The Dance Room is a large room with lots of wall space and windows. It looks and sounds rather cavernous. However, when the walls are used as an exhibition space for the art created at school, the room is transformed and becomes a delightful place.… Read more ›
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Founder and staff member Hanna Greenberg interviewed student Hannah Schwartz for this week's post. Hannah Schwartz has attended SVS for three years. Last May, the SVS gallery exhibited a collection of her experiments with techniques that were new to… Read more ›