Into the world

When students leave they are well-prepared for their next steps in life. Many choose to continue their education in colleges and universities. Many enter directly into the world of business, trades, arts, crafts, and technical vocations. The school offers a graduation procedure to students who seek a high school diploma and have been enrolled for at least three years.

Leaving SVS Reading
Leaving Sudbury Valley


Diploma Procedure

Sudbury Valley School awards a diploma to students who can justify the following proposition to the satisfaction of the Diploma Committee: “My experiences during my stay at school have enabled me to develop the problem-solving skills, the adaptability, and the abilities needed to function independently in the world that I am about to enter.” Continue Reading ›

Our Alumni
Our Alumni
Can children be trusted with the responsibility for preparing themselves for adult life? For quite some time, we have known the answer. Studies have shown that our alumni are an interesting, thoughtful, articulate, and varied group who lead purposeful lives filled with challenge, hard work, excitement, and meaning – and who are comfortable with themselves and with the rapidly changing world in which they live.


What Alums Say About SVS

Read what alumni say about Sudbury Valley School's effect on their development. Continue Reading ›


The Lives of Alumni

Five alumni, highly successful in their various careers, tell about how their experience at school helped make them who they are. Continue Reading ›

Our Global Reach
Over the last generation, as the ideas behind Sudbury Valley came to be recognized as best suited to the needs of the 21st century, and as many educators realized that traditional education does not fit those needs, people in this country, and in many places throughout the world, have worked to found schools similar to ours. Their efforts have been aided by translations of many of our publications into over a dozen languages. We are proud to be the inspiration for the most avant-garde and vibrant school communities anywhere.


Sudbury Valley School: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

The Sudbury Valley School model is an idea whose time has come. And in a relatively short time, historically speaking . . . in a mere half century, it has made a dent in the protective walls that traditional education has built to protect its bloated empire. Continue Reading ›