
Yes, they can break bones. But sticks and stones, are more importantly, the life blood of a great deal of imaginative play here and indeed not used to wound at Sudbury Valley at all. People sometimes look around the our campus, outside and in, and… Read more ›
I’ve grown to love the interactions with the guests at Open House. It’s fun to stumble onto someone who has little or no knowledge of the school, and also to see their reaction to hearing about the model for the first time. I had a particular… Read more ›
Not so many of us are here at 8:30. Just enough for a gentle but lively start to the day. But when I retreat to the office to pick up some tasks from the day before, or tackle some new ones, there is Dana playing magically on the piano. Kyle, Hanna… Read more ›
I often ask myself why I am so enamored of the December ritual of making gingerbread houses (and trees) at Sudbury Valley. It is a big deal! Everyone has to put a lot of work into it. Not everyone in the school, but a much wider cross-section than… Read more ›
I’m a sucker for live theater. It’s all magical to me, whether it’s a Broadway show or a local production. So when I went to see “An SVS Musical” last June, I had no doubt that I would be entertained. I knew the actors. I’d heard snippets of the… Read more ›
Walking into our art room is usually fascinating. It seems that most young people love to do art in all sort of ways. They make things out of clay. They draw and paint and make amazing collages. And, they do many other things, like building… Read more ›
Sometimes when I’m explaining SVS to people who aren’t familiar with it, they’ll ask me how kids will be prepared for the real world if they can do whatever they want all day. It’s not easy to explain in words -- or at least not without a lot of… Read more ›
Jean Cote spends her days fielding incoming calls, preparing PR materials, providing an oasis of calm amidst the general hubbub of the school, and writing blog posts! If you haven’t checked out the School’s online bookstore lately, you may be… Read more ›
I have puzzled for a long time about a phenomenon that I encounter daily at Sudbury Valley but did not have a way to put into words. I didn’t know it was “ownership.” And I never realized how profoundly important ownership actually is! We talk about… Read more ›
The Dance Room is a large room with lots of wall space and windows. It looks and sounds rather cavernous. However, when the walls are used as an exhibition space for the art created at school, the room is transformed and becomes a delightful place.… Read more ›
Like many American parents, when our boys were old enough for Kindergarten we excitedly waited with them at our neighborhood’s bus stop for the big, yellow school bus. We took plenty of pictures of them climbing into the bus, and pictures of them… Read more ›
Founder and staff member Hanna Greenberg interviewed student Hannah Schwartz for this week's post. Hannah Schwartz has attended SVS for three years. Last May, the SVS gallery exhibited a collection of her experiments with techniques that were new to… Read more ›
My favorite yoga studio displays promotional materials from neighboring businesses in its front entrance, and my eye was recently drawn to two Kumon Learning Center brochures. The first one’s cover proclaimed, “At Kumon, ‘Yes, I can’ becomes a… Read more ›
Sudbury Valley is an incredible place. Literally so, in that many people just don’t believe that any school could be so pleasant and well-functioning. At least not until they have seen us in action. The aspect of our culture that surprises and… Read more ›
This week's post was written by Hanna Greenberg. Friday is my day off, but I had to see somebody at school, so I went there at about noon. I came upon a magnificent scene: two tables were set up for tie dying on a large patch of grass, and about a… Read more ›