Children Are Like Locs
by Anika Prather
The Living Water School, Alexandria, VA
This has been the year for me personally, as a mom and as a school founder, to fully mentally and emotionally grasp that kids do not need our help to… Read more ›
We often hear people talk about Sudbury schools as "unschooling schools". Besides the fact that the actual phrase, to me, does not even make sense, I think the people who use it overlook a lot of dissimilarities that are important keystones as to… Read more ›
We were talking about birthdays, Audrey, Ben, Christine and I. All three children had just turned six and their birthday parties were recalled with much joy.
As a normally foolish adult I asked the kind of questions that kids consider really dumb.… Read more ›
I realized that one of the kids in school who had been here for many years was about to turn eleven. (How dare she get so old?) I said, “Oh, I wish you were still 7½ .” What I meant, of course, was that the years go by too fast, and we remember… Read more ›
There is a stigma against people who are perceived to be “doing nothing". The greatest fear that most adults have, vis-a-vis children enrolled in Sudbury Valley, is that those children will do nothing. These fears arise from the failure to see… Read more ›
Mimsy took the following photograph at school recently:
She gave the photo the title "Men at Work". At first sight, the title seems whimsical, though the photo itself is a perfect gem.
I couldn’t stop thinking: is there more than whimsy to… Read more ›
Is the grand edifice of education built on a foundation of quicksand?
Here is a list of the false beliefs at the core of prevailing educational practices:
1. “If you teach, they will learn”
If schools want a particular person to… Read more ›
I confess that I wasn't thinking about happiness in 1968, when my husband and I decided to send our children to the almost-open Sudbury Valley School. We had unfortunately noticed that public school seemed to cause our little son to feel… Read more ›
How can every person be above average? It sounds impossible, but it is a given in the community at Sudbury Valley.
Living life with a measuring stick, watching to be certain that you are doing OK by others’ standards, and getting a thumbs up that… Read more ›
Take One
by Daniel Greenberg
If you happen to be sitting in the large front room called “the sewing room", you might notice that every day at 11:00 a.m., eight people walk into the adjacent book-lined “seminar room". What you are seeing… Read more ›
Hanna: People who hear about the school often say: so everybody will just work on what’s easy for them. And my answer to them is: “Well, what’s wrong with that?” However, my observation is that it’s not true, that a lot of the kids work on whatever… Read more ›
"Where do you work?"
"At Sudbury Valley School."
"What do you do?"
Doing nothing at Sudbury Valley requires a great deal of energy and discipline, and many years of experience. I get better at it every year, and it amuses me to see how I… Read more ›
I am writing this on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Neue Schule Hamburg, to offer congratulations and a tiny bit of retrospection. I work at Sudbury Valley School, in the United States, and we are celebrating our 50th anniversary this year… Read more ›
Somewhat to my surprise, I have recently gained a new insight into a key element of what goes on here, in an area that I thought had been thoroughly analyzed from ever-so-many angles from the very first days of the school’s founding. It came… Read more ›
Everybody sees that the notion that kids have to go to a building--to a school--and have to be taught stuff in person by a teacher who talks at them, has been flushed down the toilet.