Writing by:
Daniel Greenberg
Essay post |
As Hanna tells the story, one day she and Mikel were chatting and casually looking out the window, when they spotted two of our youngest students walking down the road towards school, deep in an animated conversation. The scene prompted Mikel… Read more ›
Essay post |
The vast enterprise that has been created for the purpose of educating all of the nation’s youth is founded on a number of hypotheses. Together, they give the appearance of a powerful set of assumptions that cannot be reasonably challenged. They… Read more ›
Blog post |
People often say to me, “What you're doing at Sudbury Valley School is really amazing. There are so many things that are wonderful about it. How can we incorporate some of the more important aspects of what you do into our school?” Usually these… Read more ›
Blog post |
Here's a real puzzle: when I was growing up, there were no such things as “learning disabilities” in our classrooms. There were kids of all kinds of different abilities and interests, and we were just plain different from each other. Nobody said… Read more ›
Blog post |
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – the three cornerstones of this country, and the reason it was founded in the first place. These were the “unalienable rights” that our founders declared belonged to every person – rights that could… Read more ›
Essay post |
The Circumstance that Drives Evolution
The key factor that enables evolution to take place is the uniqueness of each individual in every species, which in turn guarantees a wide variation in the nature and characteristics of the individuals… Read more ›
Blog post |
There is not a lot of talk these days about happiness. It’s considered more of an accidental condition than a fundamentally required, or expected, one. Company human resource officials don’t start their interviews with prospective employees by… Read more ›
Essay post |
This essay has been prompted by a feeling of frustration that has finally led me to sit down and face an unpleasant reality: too many people think we are basically an “un-schooling” institution with some sort of added twist. Consider… Read more ›
Blog post |
Every morning, from the beginning of the school day, one can watch children making their way from the parking lot to the main building. Some come running, breathless to get down to work, to carry out whatever they had planned for the day. Some… Read more ›
Blog post |
“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” – the three cornerstones of this country, and the reason it was founded in the first place. These were the “unalienable rights” that our founders declared belonged to every person – … Read more ›
Blog post |
For 50 years, Sudbury Valley Schools, and other schools inspired by its model, have been providing children with a place to grow like no other.
Our starting point is treating children who enroll at school, from age four and up, as human beings… Read more ›
Essay post |
One of the key problems every democratic system must work out for itself is the relationship between the individual and the community. Democracy, taken in its unembellished form as a system of self-government, focuses exclusively on the mechanism… Read more ›
Article |
Sudbury Valley School: An Idea Whose Time Has Come [SVS Journal, vol. 45, Spring 2016]
Archetype: 1965 - 1990
I. In the Beginning
II. The Shakedown Cruise
III. Swept Up in the Tide—and Almost Drowned!
IV. Who… Read more ›
Article |
[Free At Last, Foreword, pp. 9-11]
There were no appointments available.
By December, everyone who hoped to attend Wesleyan University in Middletown, Connecticut, had long since submitted their applications and made arrangements for an admissions… Read more ›
Article |
A Clearer View, Chapter 4, pp. 72-91
It may sound like a strange thing to talk about the significance of the democratic model in a school like ours, because the democratic model is so embedded in the school, and has been from day one. In fact,… Read more ›