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Sudbury Valley has just begun the 2017-2018 school year – and an exciting one it is! This will be our 50th year of operation, the half century mark for what was once a “far-out” experiment. Born in the tumultuous 1960s, SVS was destined to outlive… Read more ›
Blog post |
The school year has started with a bang! Students and staff are excited for activities and work to begin. The amount of fundraisers we recently had is a good indication of it!
Now that it is the beginning of October, all of the corporations for the… Read more ›
Blog post |
Food serves as a major aspect of life at SVS. Of course, everyone in the world loves food; however, here it takes on a life of its own.
The minute students arrive, they are eating or talking about food. Trading and sharing food items are a daily… Read more ›
Blog post |
As a new staff member, working at this school has been a wonderful learning experience. It has allowed me to notice certain patterns and common occurrences within the school community. Witnessing them first hand is nothing short of spectacular.
My… Read more ›
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From the point of view of a brand new student, the school is an astonishing (if sometimes overwhelming) place. The freedom to manage one’s own time is generally the first aspect of the school noticed, and it is what attracts a new student first.
The… Read more ›
Blog post |
Sudbury Valley is an incredible place. Literally so, in that many people just don’t believe that any school could be so pleasant and well-functioning. At least not until they have seen us in action.
The aspect of our culture that surprises and… Read more ›
Blog post |
Most educators profess, as one of their goals, a desire to change the world. This has been trumpeted as a goal of educators for hundreds or even thousands of years, and is virtually a defining goal of modern education. The very words “change the… Read more ›